December was a solid month for Alline Salon Group, the beauty industry in general, and was a very positive way to end a sometimes-difficult year. But, again in January, we were tested by the surging Omicron variant causing substantial amounts of COVID-leaves of absences as well as the Midwest winters of which we all have become accustomed.
At Alline Salon Group, we remain extremely optimistic about the future. Consumers are seeking beauty and wellness like never before—it’s up to brands like ours to maximize this opportunity. Now is the time for us to focus our efforts on optimizing processes, hiring, retaining top talent, and creating standout experiences for our customers. I personally remain committed to leading this charge and making sure that we provide all the tools to make our stylists’ jobs easier and to create the opportunities for all of us to be successful together.
There are several things underway or already completed. These include our new employee handbook, the recently rolled out Employee Intranet, our new website, the Paradox hiring platform, new marketing initiatives and—coming soon—the Alline Engage Employee Recognition Program.
I recently read some thoughts from a Korn Ferry newsletter that I think fits well with the Alline culture that I’d like to share. These are the softer, more subjective things we can and must do to be, not only successful, but also happy. Frankly, I think this is where we have and will continue to excel as a company.
Catching people doing the right things.
It is often said that you can best judge the character of an individual by what they do when no one is looking. Very often, we do see very positive interactions. When we see someone achieving success or taking great care of a client or doing a small act of kindness, let’s acknowledge and celebrate that person. Yes, performance and financial management are important, but so is doing the right thing.
Finding our why.
It’s difficult to make sense of the last two years. Instead of focusing our energy on the past, let’s assert our efforts to confirm our sense of purpose for 2022. We need to get back to the “why” of our business. Here, I think our core values which emanated from the bottom up say it all.
All IN to be the best, for each other and for our clients.
Showing love.
“All of us want to belong—we all want to be loved. It’s a timeless truth that resonates in challenging times. When we tell people ‘We couldn’t have done it without you’, what we’re really saying is you are loved.” Gary Burnison – Korn Ferry
Pursuing happiness.
If we’ve learned anything in recent times, it’s that the things we thought we valued like money or material items are not really the source of happiness. Many of us had experiences the last two years with severe illness or death in our immediate families and circles. Jobs were interrupted and lost, our children’s lives were turned upside down and so on. Quite possibly, the pandemic has helped us to re-order our priorities.
“Happiness is not given to us; it is recognized by us. It’s not about chasing tomorrow’s promise, but rather comes from savoring today.” Gary Burnison – Korn Ferry
We have managed through the toughest of times together and have come out on the other side stronger, more united, and more determined than ever to be the best. My sincere gratitude to all of you for your loyalty, dedication, and inspiration. We couldn’t have done it without you.